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What Is NUCCA?

The primary method of spinal adjustment that Dr. Doyle uses is called the NUCCA Technique (National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association).

With this type of chiropractic, the neck is the area of focus because messages going to all parts of the body from the brain must pass through the neck, so if the neck is misaligned the improper nerve function may affect any part of the body.

The top vertebra or bone in the neck is called the atlas. The head or skull sits on top of the atlas.

We use this top vertebra as a lever to re-align the entire spine. The neck is not twisted and no pain is felt by the patient. This light touch can have a profound effect on the patient.

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A precise system of pre and post adjustment calculations assure that a measurable correction is made.

With this method of chiropractic our goal is to get an of the joints in the body re-aligned and moving correctly. This allows the body to function better, resulting in pain relief and better health. With the NUCCA technique most patients respond quickly with a decrease in symptoms.

Unlike many other chiropractic techniques, patients usually hold their adjustments and their spines stay in alignment for a long time-months, sometimes years. This results in far fewer visits, saving time and money.

What Is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is the largest branch of the natural healing arts. It is dedicated to helping your body heal itself simply and naturally.

When your body undergoes a trauma, as it does in a fall, a car accident or a sports injury, or when it is misused through improper posture or too much stress, your spine loses its normal alignment.

This misalignment is called a subluxated spine. Sometimes other areas, such as a shoulder or knee, can also misalign. These misalignments twist your body and stretch and compress your nerves, often causing pain. Pinched nerves can also impede your body’s ability to heal itself, and that is where chiropractic can help!

A Doctor of Chiropractic is a specialist, highly trained in the art and science of spinal realignment. This helps by removing pressure from the nerves, which allows the body to function properly. The natural power within you is the greatest healer.

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